Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Many of you might have read great quotes about silence and about being silent... those may be really worth noting down.
Ok.. forget about those boring stuff..
Listen now..

Today, I was just sitting idle at home with no better work to do. So started browsing, wanted to read some good articles. So 'Google' came into picture immediately.. So what's the keyword for the search??
Tried 'silence'.. I got many results which took me through boring articles and blogs.
But, something interesting struck me, words of my mom. She always tells me the tale.. I guess the first one in my life I suppose :)
She says, when I landed on this earth, there was a complete silence in the hospital room with doctors and nurses staring at me. As a sign of normal condition, I should have entered this boring earth(.. to make it a very interesting place for others to live) but I was silent, no crying business, no movements.. I guess that was the first shocker I gave to my mom(And an indication of what is next in her life ;-)).
Docs had to literally hold my legs, hold me upside down and pat on my back!! (it must have really hurt me..Idiots!). You know even I am bit stubborn, couldn't give up my silence soon. They continue that annoying thing(and a source of scary thoughts to my mom I guess :-D) for few mins. Realizing that, things will be really serious if I continue my stubborn nature, I gave up!! yeah I finally gave it up... I started crying :-((
I guess that's the only cry anyone would feel happy and relieved listening to!
But.. But.. see that was the best entry one can have.. Don't you think?
I really do think so...;-)


  1. fundoo, have u become really busy or what?
    no updates in either ur movie blog or in this one....
    pl do post your Holland trip update :)

  2. yeah yeah, will take some time out next week.. to explain out Holland trip :( and few other interesting things..

  3. Thats a really funny way of coming to this world and as sridhar explained probably[dont want to put it here atleast;)]God has taken a second come out of the shock that u have to be given a place in this world..anyways was LOL reading this post..u always ROCK porga:)
